Rachel Harrie's 3rd writer's platform building campaign started today. "What's that?" I hear you ask. In Rach's own words...
Basically, the Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others' online platforms while at the same time building theirs.The window for joining is from today up until August 31st, and the campaign runs through to October 31st. This is my first time as a campaigner, but it looks like a great way to network and help other writers. See you there!
It's my first time too! Thanks for stopping by :)
Hello! It's my first Campaign - nice to meet you!
Just add a picture gadget to your sidebar and then upload the picture into it.
Looking forward to doing the campaign together!
J A Bennett and L:
Hello, welcome and thanks for popping over to my blog :o)
Hello and thank you for the advice. I've been trying to do this all day and it didn't work, but I just tried it again, (exactly the same way after you confirmed I'd been doing it right) - and hey presto - it worked!
I know, I know, I obviously messed it up somehow before, but I'm just happy it's there now.
Hi Amanda! It is nice to meet you. I'm a fellow Campaigner and group member. Look forward to getting to know you. I must go check out your book now :)
Hi Amanda, nice to meet you through the campaign! I'm a newbie and I'm looking forward to read your posts!
- andrea
Kerri and Wordy:
Hi! Welcome to my blog. It's good to meet my fellow campaigners! I've been busy making a mess of things... on the linky thing - I selected a picture 'from the web' which linked to my Amazon page - so now it looks like I'm trying to do a 'hard-sell' to my fellow campaigners - doh! I've managed to add a 2nd thumbnail now, so I hope everyone manages to forgive the first one!
Am off to check out your blogs now :o)
Hi, fellow Campaigner! I'm in your Paranormal Romance group. :)
Hi Amanda. It's a pleasure to meet you!
Very nice to meet you!
It's my first campaign too, nice to meet you :)
Carrie, Roger, Liz and Christine:
Hello and welcome! Thanks for dropping in... :o)
hi - thanks for visiting sorry I was out - great to meet you all - this is my second campaign enjoyed the first so much-trying to write thisvwith cat in cardigab theres obviously a thunderstorm a coming - see you around
Nice to meet you Amanda! And thanks for visiting me. I'm now following.
sorry about that comment - events escalated out of control - am back, threat to younger cat over she has hopped away to do whatever a cat has to do in this world of dragons and spooks (the only thing she cant fight alone is thunder!)
so now I am free to follow the campaigners again
Hiho from your fellow campaigner... so good to meet you:) Am now a follower:)
Hey there! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I returned the follow! It's my first time too. It should be fun!
Thank you fellow campaigners!! It's good to meet you all!!
Thanks especially to new blog followers :o)
Hello, campaigner! Looking forward to finding out more about your book and your writing/publishing journey :-)
xx Rachel
Hi! Glad you stopped by the blog again :)
Thanks for blog hoping over! It's good to meet you!
I'm a first timer too :D Urban Fantasy woo hoo! Nice to meet you.
Hi Kelley, Mel and Miss Cole - thank you for popping over to my blog - look forward to getting to know you better through the campaign! :o)
thanks for stopping by! can't wait to get to know everyone better :)
Hello campaigner from Eileen at Speak Coffee to Me! Thanks for the follow and looking forward to this campaign.
Hi Prerna and Eileen
It's good to meet fellow campaigners, there's quite a few of us!!
I'm looking forward to this Campaign; it sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!
Thank you for coming by my blog! :)
You're welcome Golden Eagle! Thanks for stopping by mine!!
Rachel is so damn creative it's amazing!!! I haven't joined but it seems that most of the newbies I'm visiting today are!!!!
SO hello!!! *waves* I look forward to your future blog posts! I do hope you'll stop by my blog Unedited and say hello!!!
Hello from a fellow campaigner! I'm in the paranormal romance group too. Nice to meet you!
Hello! Thanks for the follow and I look forward to seeing more posts! :)
This is my 2nd campaign and it was brilliant last time. It's already proving to be brilliant again this time.
Lynda R Young
This is also my first time as a campaigner, but definitely looking forward to it! I'll be posting a brief introduction to myself on Thursday to get to know my fellow campaigners.
Hi and welcome, Jen, Christine, J, Lynda and Shannon. I love waking up and seeing lots of new comment on my blog! I'm in England and I think most of my visitors are from the US, or other parts of the World, (or doing the night shift in UK!!).
Look forward to getting to know all of you...
Yep - I'm another first timer!
Hi East Coaster, welcome aboard! I'm planning a trip to the East Coast next year!!
I'm in your UF group! Nice to meet you!
Hi, Robin. It's nice to meet a fellow UFfer! Off to check out your blog now..
Hi Amanda, just stopping by to say you have a great name. ;) Jk
I look forward to getting to know you throught the Campaign!
I've been in a major writing slump this summer too. I'm hoping with the kids starting school this week and the Campaign getting started as well I'll be back in the game. ;)
That is, of course, if I don't get sucked into starting at that Magic Picture bellow this post! Lol!
Hi, Amanda - yep great name ;o) and good to meet you.
Hope you didn't get too distracted with the magic eye - I'm spending way too much time finding new ones and staring at them!
I'm sure once we're back in the normal routine, writing inspiration will hit us again!
Hi Amanda, I'm in your UF group - looking forward to getting to know you.
P.S. Love the magic eyes. You made my night!
Hi FE Sewell, good to meet you! Don't get too distracted with those magic eyes... :o)
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