Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to Jennifer Snyder. Jennifer is the author of Touch, a paranormal novella.
Seventeen-year-old Rowan Harper knows her life is forever changed the moment her schizophrenic mother commits suicide. What Rowan doesn’t realize is how much her mother’s choice altered her own fate. It’s not until after meeting Jet, a sapphire-eyed dead boy, Rowan begins to learn of her new destiny as becoming her mother’s replacement for something she never knew existed. Touch is an approx. 18,115 word novella.

Jennifer, what made you decide to write a book? I've always had an overactive imagination and always loved to read, so writing just seemed like the natural thing to do for me.
When do you fit writing into your day? I am a stay at home mother of two, so it can be a bit of a struggle, but I do kind of have a system. I write everything by hand in a notebook first. I start with any plot ideas, scenes, or clips of dialogue that pop into my head... then I write it all out a chapter at a time. When nap time rolls around, which is usually around 1:00, I then sit at my desk and type up as much as I can before the hour is up.
Self Published or Traditional? Self Published.
How was your experience? Bumpy, but I think that goes with either path you choose. They both have their up and down moments. I'm really happy with my choice to steer down the self published road, though. I've learned an incredible amount of information in the last year that I never thought I would be able to learn in ten years.
Tips for would-be authors? Which ever path you choose, do not just dive right in head first. Take some time to study.
If you're wanting to go the traditional route then check out a place called They have a forum that is filled with wonderful, friendly people who are very knowledgeable.
If you prefer to go the self published way there are tons of books you can purchase to learn all the how-to's from. Because believe me, there is a TON you will have to learn! If you poke around my website, , some of my earliest blog posts are about tips for newbies.
Touch on
That's great advice. Thanks, Jennifer, and best of luck with the book.
Touch on
That's great advice. Thanks, Jennifer, and best of luck with the book.
Sounds like a very intersting book. I will have to read it!
@Mel, it does sound intriguing doesn't it? The cover is what got my attention when I first saw it.
great interview. I like the premise of this book, I'll have to check it out!
@Prerna - Thank you :o)
Thanks for the heads up to another wonderful book. I would love to have the guts to go self-pub. :)
@Laila - I know there's good and bad to be said for both traditional and self-publishing, but since I decided to go Indie, I've never looked back. I'd definitely recommend it... Either that or a six-figure deal with a publishing house :D
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