But I am making progress. I'm just shy of 50K words into book two in the Soul Protector series, 'The Betrayal.' The good thing is I've been editing as I go along, so once I finish writing, it will already be about the fourth and final draft! I realised I haven't shared the cover mock-up on here yet - so voila! I need to play around with the title and my name to make them stand out a bit more and then I'm good to go!
Also, I wanted to share some happy news about the first book in the series. For the past six weeks, Soul Protector has been sitting in the Amazon UK Paranormal charts, (woo hoo), peaking at #22 this week. I'm getting a bit obsessed with checking the ranking ... it gives me such a buzz. I'm making the most of it, because I know at any minute it will probably crash back out, but it's been a blast seeing my book up there with people like Charlaine Harris and Amanda Hocking. Also, I've made more money this month (on Amazon UK) than I have in the past ten months. I'm not talking shedloads; I'm a long way from giving up the day job, but we can all dream...

Oh, a random fact for you. Soul Protector has ended up in '1001 First Lines' by Scarlett Archer. I'm not sure if Scarlett thinks my first line is great, or if she thinks it's a rubbish one... But still, it's nice to be mentioned :)
Must dash. Hope you all have a productive day and an amazing weekend!